Replacement Diploma
If you are needing a duplicate of your original diploma, or an additional copy for yourself, you may order here. When you check out, be sure to put your full name on the shipping address, and we will match your name and graduation date with your official transcript - that will be the name we issue on the diploma copy. It will be shipped to you in Orion's blue, soft cover, and will be shipped priority mail only. Do not order a duplicate diploma without first checking on your status at Orion High School. Call 432-219-6166, extension 101, to speak to Dr. Gallegos about your official status - that means that we will check particular information to ensure that you are cleared to order.
When you order, please note the following:
1. The diplomas are verified by us to determine that you are indeed the Orion High School graduate (we do this through the verification call above).
2. The diplomas are shipped to you on the 10th day of the month following your order. For example, if you order on April 12th, your diploma will be mailed to you on May 10.